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How observing Random Acts of Kindness Week can benefit senior communities

Kindness and compassion are important, perhaps even more so now during the pandemic.

Many of us are busy trying to juggle the pressures of work, family and community while simultaneously adhering to COVID precautions. Sometimes it can be difficult to remember to be kind.

As we observe “National Random Acts of Kindness Week” which is celebrated to encourage kind words and thoughtful actions, we are reminded that small actions can truly make a difference in the lives of others, especially those living in senior communities.

In honor of Country Meadows Retirement Communities’ co-founder, Mary Jane Leader, the organization’s senior communities encourage residents and co-workers to practice kindness. Mrs. Leader was a daily example of kindness to others and we salute her memory by reminding everyone at our senior communities to brighten someone’s day through a random act of kindness. You may find it will brighten yours too.

Acts of kindness aren’t about grandiose actions, money, or even planning. It’s about finding a moment to make a small difference in another person’s life. Some ideas from Country Meadows senior communities’ residents and co-workers include:

  • Passing out flowers to random shoppers at a local grocery store.
  • Returning a shopping cart to the store.
  • Picking up the tab for the car behind you in a drive-thru line.
  • Giving busy clerks a smile.
  • Sharing your umbrella.

The Benefits to Being Kind

Research demonstrates that when we show kindness to our fellow human beings, we receive a bigger gift in return, including improved health and happiness. A study from Cedars-Sinai shows that the warm feeling that washes over you when you’ve done something kind isn’t just in your head. It’s in your brain, too.

Another recent study reported on how people felt after performing or observing kind acts every day for seven days. Participants were randomly assigned to carry out at least one kind act or try to actively observe kind acts. Happiness was measured before and after the seven days of kindness. Researchers found that being kind boosted happiness.

Practice Random Acts of Kindness

Inspired by Mrs. Leader, our senior communities plan volunteer efforts and activities to give back to others. Every April, these efforts are ramped up even further as everyone is encouraged to join our Practice Random Acts of Kindness in honor of Mrs. Leader’s birth month. In fact, our organization takes the Practice Random Acts of Kindness motto to heart so seriously that bumper stickers adorn every company vehicle as well as automobiles owned by residents, their family members and our co-workers.

Even the smallest act of kindness can change a life. To celebrate older adults, here are some ideas to show kindness to people living at senior communities.

Every day we try to make life better at our organizations and whether the grantor or recipient of a kind act, the generosity of the human spirit provides great rewards. Aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart said, “A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.”

Country Meadows has nine locations in Pennsylvania and one campus location in Frederick, Maryland. We offer a wide range of services to serve a variety of resident needs. The services within our senior communities include restorative care, rehabilitation, personal care and assisted living, memory support and independent living. If you or a loved one are beginning the retirement planning journey and would like more information from one of the best retirement communities in the area, please contact us today. Our co-workers can provide details on the services we offer, help you to schedule a tour of our senior communities and answer any other questions you might have.

February 17, 2021

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