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How you can safely visit with your Grandparents in their senior living community

Family being unable to visit with their loved ones has been a difficult aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic. And as national Grandparents Day, September 13th, 2020, quickly approaches, many families are anxious to reconnect with those currently living at Country Meadows retirement communities in Pennsylvania and Maryland. With direction from the Department of Health, we have been given clearance to enter the next phase of visitation abilities and procedures. We are now moving into our individual campus Re-opening Plans, which will give residents at each senior living community the ability to connect with their loved ones safely. 

To help families have the best visit possible with parents or grandparents at any of our senior living community campuses, we are excited to share the following details for visitation. Since guidelines and schedules for each of our campuses may vary, we recommend checking in with the appropriate senior living community before planning or scheduling a visit.

How our senior living community is keeping your Grandparents safe

First and foremost, our priorities will always focus on the safety of our residents. Country Meadows has elevated cleaning and wellness practices through our Corona Task Force to help mitigate the spread or risk of COVID-19. Our coworkers at each senior living community location have been equipped with proper PPE as well as disinfection protocol training. When it comes to healthy visitation guidelines, all designated areas will be sanitized before and after each guest visit for optimal cleanliness.

We will continue to take direction from all US health officials and work with leaders at all of our campuses to keep our communities as safe as possible. Thanks to the diligent work of our co-workers and the cooperation of our residents, we are able to take the next steps to continue providing the enriching life your loved ones have come to know and appreciate at Country Meadows. 

What will a visit to Country Meadows look like?

While we are thrilled to be able to offer more visitation allowances for residents and their families, we must stress that visits will be a little different from what families may have experienced previously. Our campuses currently have several uniquely designed family visits – window visitation, outdoor visitation, and indoor visitation in the event of inclement weather. 

For both window and outdoor visitation, designated seating areas will be set up at each campus for all visits and no guests will be able to come inside our senior living community facilities. If for any reason a scheduled visit is changed to our indoor visitation area, guests are still prohibited from going beyond the assigned visitation area. At this time, only two guests will be allowed per visit. Under proper circumstances and clearances, one child under the age of twelve may accompany the two allotted guests on their visit. This rule applies for visits of resident couples as well. 

Guidelines to follow during a visit to our senior living community

In accordance with safety regulations across our senior living community locations in Pennsylvania and Maryland, masks must be worn by all parties during the entirety of any visit, including children over the age of two. Strict social distancing protocols are being practiced across all senior living community campuses. This means that activities must be kept to conversation and that hugging, holding hands, or kissing will not be allowed. Although gifts from home are always appreciated, Country Meadows will continue to prohibit guests from bringing presents, food, and other items. Drop-off policies are available for each senior living community which may offer more flexibility as well as further instructions on delivering goods to loved ones. Pets, unfortunately, are also unable to come along for family visits at this time.  

Understanding the changing senior living community visitation protocols

COVID-19 has been and will continue to be, an evolving situation. Please be aware that these guidelines may change at any time. We encourage all families to contact or check the website of the senior living community they wish to visit for the most up to date information. Additionally, our leaders and co-workers will continue to monitor the needs on each campus to keep residents as safe as possible. As soon as we are able to provide more opportunities for families to connect within our current visitation guidelines, we will make that information known. 

We look forward to seeing families returning to our senior living community campuses to visit with our residents and we will continue to work tirelessly to provide the best senior living experience possible for all within the Country Meadows community. 

Country Meadows is frequently acknowledged as one of the best independent living communities for seniors. We have ten locations across Pennsylvania as well as one location in Maryland. Our senior living community is able to accommodate a variety of senior living options. Whether your needs or those of your loved one are related to personal care or assisted living, restorative care, long-term care, memory support services, or independent living, Country Meadows offers a safe and active community that can provide care to all. For more information on the services we offer at our senior living community and to learn more about life at Country Meadows, contact us today. 

September 8, 2020

2 thoughts on “How you can safely visit with your Grandparents in their senior living community”

  1. Mary Blankenmeyer says:

    How do I set up a visit with my cousin who is at the facility at Lancaster.

    1. Country Meadows says:

      Ms. Blankenmbeyer,

      Thank you for reaching. For visiting a Lancaster resident, visit for the days, times and request a visit. Enjoy your visit!

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