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Internships at Country Meadows Retirement Communities

Nurse AppreciationWe value our interns as offer their fresh perspective and talents, and we work hard to create valuable programs for them so they gain real-work, hands-on experience for their future careers (and we hope they will consider us when they graduate!). We offer internships on an as-needed basis as opportunities arise at our campuses and corporate office in various departments. If you are interested in what opportunities we may have at this time or have questions, please email our team at

Contact us today!
  • Allentown: 610-395-7160
  • Bethlehem: 610-865-5580
  • Forks of Easton: 484-544-3880
  • Frederick: 301-228-2249
  • Hershey: 717-533-1880
  • Mechanicsburg: 717-975-3434
  • Nursing & Rehab Center: 610-882-4110
  • Wyomissing: 610-374-3122
  • York South: 717-741-5118
  • York West: 717-764-1190
  • Corporate Office: 800-322-3441