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Residents practice kindness by donating items and sharing lunch with homeless veterans

As part of our annual Practice Random Acts of Kindness campaign in honor of senior living co-founder, Mary Jane Leader’s legacy, co-workers and residents are inspired to express kindness and gratitude to the community at-large.  Residents and co-workers at Country Meadows York-West campus collected personal care and non-perishable food items to make emergency care kits for homeless veterans. Then residents who are veterans of WWII and Korea  delivered the kits along with a homemade meal, to homeless veterans for an afternoon of fellowship. It was as if the veterans had known each other for years! Practice Random Acts of Kindness

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  • Allentown: 610-395-7160
  • Bethlehem: 610-865-5580
  • Forks of Easton: 484-544-3880
  • Frederick: 301-228-2249
  • Hershey: 717-533-1880
  • Mechanicsburg: 717-975-3434
  • Nursing & Rehab Center: 610-882-4110
  • Wyomissing: 610-374-3122
  • York South: 717-741-5118
  • York West: 717-764-1190
  • Corporate Office: 800-322-3441